Kallid kliendid! Oleme pühade aegu suletud 23.-27. detsember. Soovime Teile rahulikke jõule ja toredat peagi saabuvat uut aastat!
Customers About Us:
Products we use
We offer glasses from the largest glass groups in the world, such as PILKINGTON, AGC, NORDGLASS, GUARDIAN, SAINT-GOBAIN SEKURIT. In addition, we offer more cost-effective Asian glasses for the more price-sensitive Customer. XYG, FY, BENSON, GLASPO. We use highly valued SIKA products in our work. Our company is committed to providing our Customers with the best value for money and the fastest solution to your concerns. Feel free to bring your car to us as our workshop craftsmen have over 12 years of work experience.